Upcoming shows

  • Blue Room

    • 12 noon to 1pm
      Jazz at Noon Series
      With Tyrone Clark bass

  • Corvino 

    • With vocalist Megan Birdsall


  • Eddie V’s

    • Joe Cartwright Trio
      6:30 - 9:30 P.M.

  • Corvino

    • With Stan Kessler Quartet

  • Eddie V’s 

    • Emily Dix Quartet
      6:30 - 9:30 P.M.

  • Eddie V’s 

    • Emily Dix Quartet
      6:30 - 9:30 P.M.

  • Corvino

    • With vocalist Donna Tucker


The Blue Room

Unity Village Chapel

Eddie V’s


The Blue Room • Unity Village Chapel • Eddie V’s • Corvino •

He leans over the grand, head cocked, watching the audience, an ear down near the keys, listening to an octave tremolo.

He leans over the grand, head cocked, watching the audience, an ear down near the keys, listening to an octave tremolo.

The steam builds, and soon the pianist is flinging swing out in handfuls. Cartwright throws his whole soul at the keys.

The steam builds, and soon the pianist is flinging swing out in handfuls. Cartwright throws his whole soul at the keys.

It comes crashing down in a block chord, then another, as Cartwright, head bobbing, superimposes one rhythm on another. Pausing, Cartwright’s fingers emerge to to spider a line he lips.

It comes crashing down in a block chord, then another, as Cartwright, head bobbing, superimposes one rhythm on another. Pausing, Cartwright’s fingers emerge to to spider a line he lips.

—Kansas City Business Journal

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